Thursday, June 10, 2010


Yay for non scale victories! Today, there was a baby shower at work with a HUGE cake that was not just calling my name but YELLING it!. What did I do you will ask ?!?!?!

I walked away, without even eating a crumb! (You have no idea how much I LOVE cake)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

0.6 lbs

Is how much I've lost in a week and a half. Although I won't complain considering I am basically on bed rest as my physiotherapist doesn't want me doing anything that required the use of my foot (I have tendonitis and bursitis in my right ankle). Also will not complain considering the junk I ate this week. I must be doing something good though. Here is my analysis.

Cookies = very bad
Lots of fruit = good
Ice cream = bad
Tons of water = very good
Too many carbs = bad
Too much take out = bad
Bed rest = not good
Actually doing core exercises = awesomely making me sore!

I guess the lesson here is lots of fruit and water will negate everything else!!! Just kidding. Honestly, I don't know what I did right, but either way, I need to be more careful in the next 2 weeks if I want a good weight in.

On a side note. I made cushions and a bunting for our deck last weekend. See photos.... they make me smile and happy, and want to spend more time outside! (more photos)

So... what makes you happy, what puts a smile on your face?

Monday, June 7, 2010


I just made a milkshake, with one small banada, 1 cup of strawberries, a few handfuls of blueberries, a little bit of milk, a lot of ice, and just enough ice to say it got that ice cream taste (about a half cup)... so pretty and colorful, so yummy, I should have taken a picture but didn't think of it soon enough, so now, you just get to hear about how good it was, and good for you too with only a little bit of ice cream but that felt like cups of it.


(P.S. Actually, it gave me enough for one 2 cup portion tonight, and to fill up a travel mug (about 1 1/2 cups) for tomorrow, so I might get off my butt and take a picture then!)